Research Group on 

Structured Thermodynamics and Micro/Nano Chemical Engineering


  1. S. Zhao, Y Hu, X Yu, Y Liu, Z Bai, H Liu*. Surface wettability effect on fluid transport in nanoscale slit pores. AlChE J. 2017, 63, 1704.

  2. H Wu, Y Li, D Kadirov, S Zhao*, X Lu, H Liu. Eficient molecular approach to quantifying solvent-mediated interactions. Langmuir 2017, 33, 11817.

  3. M Liu, W Tang, Z Xie, H Yu, H Yin, Y Xu*, S Zhao*, S Zhou*. Design of Highly Efficient Pt-SnO2 Hydrogenation Nanocatalysts using Pt@Sn Core-Shell Nanoparticles. ACS. Catal. 2017, 7, 1583.

  4. M Ma, S. Zhao* H Liu, Z Xu*. Microscopic insights into the efficiency of capacitive mixing process. AlChE J. 2017, 63, 1785.

  5. Z Fang, X Yu, W Tang, X Yu*, S Zhao*, S Tu. Denitration by oxidation-absorption with polypropylene hollow fiber membrane contactor. Appl. Energy 2017, 206, 858.

  6. Y Dong, R An, S Zhao, W Cao, L Huang, W Zhuang, L Lu, X Lu*. Molecular interactions of protein with TiO2 by the AFM-measured adhesion force. Langmuir 2017, 33, 11626.

  7. M Duan*, X Song*, S Zhao, S Fang, F Wang, C Zhong, Z Luo. Layer-by-layer assembled film of asphaltenes/polyacrylamide and its stability of water-in-oil emulsions: A combined experimental and simulation study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 4332.

  8. Y Hu, X Yu, J Tao, Y Liu, S Zhao*, H Liu. Blocking effect of benzene-like fluid transport in nanoscale block-pores. Mol. Simul. 2017, 43, 526.

  9. C Kang, S Zhao, C Tong*. Response of bi-disperse polyelectrolyte brushes to external electric fields — a numerical self-consistent field theory study. Chin. J. Polym. Sci. (Engl. Ed.) 2017, 35, 98.

  10. S Tan, T Xia, Y Shi, J Pfaendtner, S Zhao, Y He*. Enhancing the oxidation of toluene with external electric fields: A reactive molecular dynamics study. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7 170.

  11. X Wei, L Bu, W Tang, S Zhao, Y Xie*. Selective and sensitive fluorescence “turn-on” Zn2+ probes based on combination of anthracene, diphenylamine and dipyrrin. Sci. China Chem. 2017, 60, 1212.

  12. X Wei, Q Wang, W Tang, S Zhao, Y Xie*. Combination of pyrrole and pyridine for constructing selective and sensitive Zn2+ probes. Dyes Pigm. 2017, 140, 320.

  13. W Xiang, S Zhao, X Song*, S Fang, F Wang, C Zhong, Z Luo. Amphiphilic nanosheet self-assembly at the water/oil interface: Computer simulations. PCCP 2017, 19, 7576.

  14. W Yu, J Tao, X Yu*, S Zhao*, S Tu, H Liu. A microreactor with superhydrophobic Pt–Al2O3 catalyst coating concerning oxidation of hydrogen off-gas from fuel cell. Appl. Energy 2017, 185, 1233.

  15. F Zhang, H D Ding, C Duan, S Zhao, C Tong*. Molecular dynamics simulation of the response of bi-disperse polyelectrolyte brushes to external electric fields. Chin. Phys. 2017, 26 .088204

  16. C Qiao, S Zhao, H Liu, W Dong*. Fluids in porous media. IV. Quench effect on chemical potential. J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 146, 234504