Research Group on 

Structured Thermodynamics and Micro/Nano Chemical Engineering

Postdoctoral Research Opportunities

There are several postdoc openings in our group. We are looking for highly motivated and talented PhDs. To apply for the position, please send your CV and a short description of yourself to The candidate should have a PhD degree in a related field by the beginning of the postdoc appointment. The related fields include chemical engineering, physics, chemistry, materials, etc..

Graduate Research Opportunities

There are several PhD openings and some MD openings in our group every year. Our group studies fundamental issues in chemical engineering by both theoretical and experimental techniques. To apply, please send your CV and a short description to the relevant professor who are interested. Prior experiences in molecular simulation, computer programming or microfluidic experiment are preferable.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

We welcome highly talented undergradatues for CSIETP (大创)and graduation projects in our lab. To apply, please send your CV to the relevant professor who are interested.