Research Group on 

Structured Thermodynamics and Micro/Nano Chemical Engineering



School of Chemical Engineering
East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai, 200237, China

East China University of Science and Technology

School of Chemical Engineering


2020/01 – Present

East China University of Science and Technology

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering

Ecole Normals Superieure de Lyon

Ph.D. in Chemistry

East China University of Science and Technology


B.S. in Chemical Engineering and technology (1st major) and

Applied Mathematics (2nd major)


Structured Thermodynamics and Machine Learning


(1) Chongzhi Qiao, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, Wei Dong*, Connect the Thermodynamics of Bulk and Confined Fluids: Confinement-Adsorption Scaling. Langmuir 2019, 35 (10), 3840–3847. (Supplementary Cover).

(2) Chongzhi Qiao, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, Wei Dong*, Augmented Scaled Particle Theory. J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124 (7), 1207–1217. (Supplementary cover)

(3) Chongzhi Qiao, Xiaochen Yu, Xianyu Song, Teng Zhao, Xiaofei Xu, Shuangliang Zhao*, Keith E Gubbins, Enhancing Gas Solubility in Nanopores: A Combined Study Using Classical Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning. Langmuir 2020, 36 (29), 8527–8536.

(4) Chongzhi Qiao#, Teng Zhao#, Xiaochen Yu, Leying Qing, Bo Bao, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, On the Relation between Dynamical Density Functional Theory and Navier-Stokes Equation. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2021, 230, 116203.

(5) Chongzhi Qiao, Jie Zhang, Peng Jiang, Shuangliang Zhao*, Xingfu Song*, Jianguo Yu, A Molecular Approach for Predicting Phase Diagrams of Ternary Aqueous Saline Solutions. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2020, 211, 115278.

(6) Chongzhi Qiao, Shuangliang Zhao, Honglai Liu, Wei Dong*, Fluids in Porous Media. IV. Quench Effect on Chemical Potential. J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 146 (23), 234504.

(7) Chongzhi Qiao, Wenjun Liu, Linwei Fu, Zhishan Bai, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, Theoretical study on theadsorption of nanoparticles in dilute concentration under shear flow,CIESC Journal,2015,66(1) 132-141.

(8) Teng Zhao, Chongzhi Qiao, Xiaofei Xu, Shuangliang Zhao*, Self-Consistent Equations Governing the Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Binary Colloidal Systems. Chem. Eng. Sci. 2021, 241, 116623.

(9) Xianyu Song, Jianzhuang Zhou, Chongzhi Qiao, Xiaofei Xu, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, Engulfing Behavior of Nanoparticles into Thermoresponsive Microgels: A Mesoscopic Simulation Study. J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125 (11), 2994–3004.

(10) Cheng Cai, Weiqiang Tang, Chongzhi Qiao, Bo Bao, Peng Xie*, Shuangliang Zhao*, Honglai Liu, A Reaction Density Functional Theory Study of Solvent Effect in the Nucleophilic Addition Reactions in Aqueous Solution. Green Energy Environ. 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.gee.2020.11.028.

(11) Leying Qing, Jiabo Tao, Hongping Yu, Peng Jiang, Chongzhi Qiao, Shuangliang Zhao, Honglai Liu, A Molecular Model for Ion Dehydration in Confined Water. AIChE J. 2020, 66 (6), e16938.

(12) Xianyu Song, Chongzhi Qiao, Jiabo Tao, Bo Bao, Xia Han, Shuangliang Zhao*, Interfacial Engineering of Thermoresponsive Microgel Capsules: Polymeric Wetting vs Colloidal Adhesion. Macromolecules 2019, 52 (10), 3869–3880.

(13) Xianyu Song, Chongzhi Qiao, Teng Zhao, Bo Bao, Shuangliang Zhao*, Jing Xu, Honglai Liu*, Membrane Wrapping Pathway of Injectable Hydrogels: From Vertical Capillary Adhesion to Lateral Compressed Wrapping. Langmuir 2019, 35 (32), 10631–10639.


Chinea Scholarship Council Excellence Scholarship, Ph.D. course, China, 2016

Region Rhone-Alpes Scholarship, France, 2016

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, Ph.D. course, France, 2015

2nd Prize. Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM), China, 2012

2nd Prize. Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMC), Shanghai, 2011

Outstanding charity volunteer. ECUST, Shanghai Charity Foundation, 2010


National Natural Science Foundation of China (Young Program), 22008063, 2021/01-2023/12