Twitter message flow will add more types of advertisements, up to 15 new advertisements. According to sources, the social networking site is revising the advertising of the timeline, and Twitter is testing a new advertising internally, which is planned to be launched in the next few weeks. Such ads will be app based and encourage users to download directly through Twitter.
In the fourth quarter of last year, Twitter's advertising revenue reached $219.6 million, double that of the same period last year, which is also the reason why twitter launched so many kinds of advertisements for users. Many events on twitter are event centered, such as large sports events such as the super bowl, which many advertisers are very interested in. However, despite Twitter's success in promoting large consumer brands, it is not so for younger advertising enterprises, so twitter first launched the application advertising plan.
Facebook has a similar advertising model, bringing 245 million mobile app downloads in 2013. This plan was initially launched in 2012 and has become an important source of Facebook's mobile advertising revenue. Facebook said that thanks to the popularity of smart phones, a large part of the traffic of the social service now comes from the mobile terminal. Twitter doesn't have the huge user base of Facebook, but the potential of this kind of advertising has obviously aroused Twitter's interest.
The source said that this advertising product based on application installation will use Twitter's card layout to directly provide users with application download links. After the application is downloaded, it can immediately bring users back to twitter. In other words, Twitter is like a middleman, helping advertisers attract more attention through its own platform. So far, it is not known which applications will appear in the advertising of twitter message flow.
In addition to application installation advertising, twitter also shows how advertisers can win users' quick registration. Dick Costolo, CEO of twitter * *, showed how this ad works, allowing users to share email with one click. Twitter will open its own "card" platform to allow advertisers to use it, but now the platform is limited to seven preset formats.
By providing advertisers with more creative freedom and more 15 different forms of advertising, twitter may become a quite lively platform. This is obviously a good thing for twitter, which wants to attract more advertisers. But what will your message flow and timeline look like for users by the end of this year? Maybe within two weeks, we'll get the first clue.
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